Justice and Law express and are instruments for maintaining racial hierarchies in Brazil.

The Racial Justice and Law Center (NJRD) at FGV Direito SP has the mission of demonstrating how structural racism, present in Brazilian society, manifests itself in the country's judicial system. With this task, the NJRD produces empirical research in the following areas: (I) race and public safety; (II) race and democracy; (III) race and equity; and (IV) race and data.


Our main objective is to bring the issue of Brazilian racial inequality to the center of the debate, and to make this discussion expand beyond the walls of the academy. To reach and better qualify the public, national and international debate, the NJRD's production also aims to stimulate debate between academics and activists of black movements in Brazil.


Considering the university as a vector of extensive transformations, with the increasing proportion of black students, the NJRD is also committed to correcting the lack of racial representation in research related to Law. Therefore, our team is mainly made up of black students.
